The exhibition opened on Saturday 9th November 2019 in church. Despite the cold, windy weather, it was relatively well attended. Refreshments were provided by Mothers’ Union.
Sound was the medium used and the work was produced by Jonathan Lindh and Simon Bradley. They recorded the voices and breathing of members of the congregation as well as the constant air flow in the pipes of the organ played in church. The inscription on the stained glass window in the church porch provided the inspiration for some of the sounds used. The quote which was inscribed on the stained glass window was “I am the door of the sheep” John 10:7. Sounds of the bleating of sheep and of their breathing were thus included. Breathing/breath was included as it is associated with the breath of God who gave us life. The sound of waves as they come up against the sea shore and the sounds of the cello and the violin completed the sound installation. The installation provides a unique sound ‘print’ of our church.
Though not as easily identified as the murals and stained glass windows in our church, the sounds of the breathing/respiration of the congregation and the sounds of the flow of air in the organ pipes are unique to our church and therefore part of our church sound ‘print’. It is hoped that time spent listening to the sound installation would help in our contemplation and appreciation of our church.
ReSpire – A Sound Installation is on until 23rd November 2019.