Christian communities should be places where all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse.
This Parish Church of St Martin’s, Potternewton is committed to encouraging an environment where all people, and especially children and those who may be vulnerable for any reason, are able to worship and pursue their faith journey with encouragement and in safety.
To this end we have adopted the House of Bishop’s policy for safeguarding adults in the Church of England “Promoting a safe church” and the House of Bishop’s Child Protection Policy “Protecting All God’s Children” as the basis for our own Church policy and practice document.
These policies are available online at:
If you have concerns about any child’s or adult’s welfare please contact:
1. Father Nicholas lo Polito (Vicar) 0113 2624271
2. Mr Jason Clark (Churchwarden) 07731 616123
3. Ms Georgette Bartlett (Parish Safeguarding Officer) 07849 862604
Jenny Leccardi is the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser for the area of Leeds; she can be contacted on this number: 07872 005189.
Diocesan advice and guidance on safeguarding are available online at: