Taking part individually in a wave of prayer encircling the world has been a daily act by Mothers’ Union members since 1921. This means that the voice of prayer is never silent as the members offer prayer every day somewhere in the world – so that the wave of prayer is continuous.
This principle of a wave of prayer travelling round the world was used by the Mothers’ Union on the 8th January this year when eight of us met together in church at St Martin’s to receive the wave of prayer from the Diocese of Norwich via Garforth, Kirkstall and Horsforth. This year the theme was “Building Hope and Confidence”.
We lit candles as we prayed for our linked dioceses of Etche and Ogbormoso in Nigeria, Kibungo in Rwanda, Lesotho in southern Africa and Havato’o in the Solomon Islands. As we finished praying the wave continued on to Far Headingly, on through other branches in the Diocese of Leeds and then on to the Diocese of Winchester.
The singing of the hymn “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind” at the beginning helped us to focus on the forgiveness and strengthening love of Our Lord and at the end of our prayers the hymn “One More Step Along the Way We Go” sent us out to continue our journey of love, care and fellowship – the bond that is shared through membership of the Mothers’ Union. We share our journey with over four million members in eighty-four countries across six continents.
Our meeting closed by saying the Grace as we held hands in the unity of service and Christian love.
Our founder Mary Sumner’s personal prayer:
All this day, O Lord
let me touch as many lives as possible for Thee;
and every life I touch, do Thou by Thy Spirit quicken
whether through the word I speak, the prayer I breathe
or the life I lead. Amen
Val Pearmain